We direct and execute different civil construction and road infrastructure works, with a high level of professionalism to meet quality standards.

Our services

  • Earth movements
    • Specialized massive excavation.
    • Compacted fills and leveling.
    • Transportation and elimination of surplus material by machine.
  • Topography
  • Simple concrete works
    • Floors, foundations, retaining walls, on foundations, etc.
  • Reinforced concrete works
    • Slabs, footings, columns, beams, walls, plates, stairs, cisterns, etc.
  • Exterior works
    • Track cutting, leveling, sidewalks, curbs and track asphalt.
servicio de construccion civil Lamar
servicio de construccion civil Lamar
servicio de construccion civil Lamar
servicio de construccion civil Lamar

Our Services

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